The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) prohibits discrimination against employees with physical or mental disabilities. Too frequently, employers view employees who have a history of health problems or other disabilities as too costly or a burden on the business. We reject these views and fight hard for our clients who have been harmed by unfair decisions based on their health conditions. Often, employees are not sure if their particular health problem is covered by the ADA. Frequently, the answer to this question is yes, because courts interpret the ADA broadly to apply to a wide range of physical and mental limitations. A primary goal of the ADA is to tear down barriers to work by (i) requiring employers to make reasonable accommodations to help disabled employees perform their jobs, and (ii) prohibiting discrimination against workers based on their disabilities. This goal cannot be achieved unless the law is enforced. That is our role. Just some of the possibly unlawful practices with which we can help are:


  • You believe that you need an accommodation to help you do your job, but your employer resists or simply won’t allow it;
  • You applied for a job or a promotion and believe you have been excluded based on your health condition;
  • You have been terminated, and your former duties are now being performed by other, non-disabled workers.
  • You have lost your job in a workforce reduction, while non-disabled employees have kept their jobs.
  • You have experienced harassment based on your health condition, such as jokes or offensive comments about your medical problems, mental health or physical limitations.
  • We are experienced in litigating claims under the ADA and state law to protect the rights of employees with physical and mental disabilities. Call Dave Eberly (513-533-1151) or Ted Copetas (513-533-1103) for a free initial consultation.